Our mission is to create a dynamic platform that not only supplements academic learning but also nurtures leadership qualities, fosters innovation, and promotes a spirit of collaboration among budding commerce professionals. Through our endeavours, we aim to inspire and equip the future leaders of the commerce world with the tools and experiences necessary to excel in their chosen fields.
Commerce Association
Established : 2009
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The Commerce Association of SBSC is proud to host the Second season of CAARP. This special event serves as a platform to reunite our distinguished alumni .....

The Commerce Association of SBSC is proud to host the Second season of CAARP. This special event serves as a platform to reunite our distinguished alumni .....

Let's Connect!

The Commerce Association at SBSC isn't just a society—it's a close-knit family driven by a shared commitment to self-improvement. Comsocsbsc has been my cornerstone, teaching me about commerce-related affairs and also about the importance of leadership and responsibilities. From a nervous fresher to a confident President, my 3-year journey has been transformative. Grateful for the experiences and lessons learned.
Aaan Chadha
( President 2023-23)
The walls of the Commerce Association became a proving ground for me in various stages. The challenges and opportunities here were my real-world training wheels, preparing me for corporate life. Yet, beyond the late-night sessions and impromptu changes, I wove personal bonds with my peers and seniors. These experiences shaped me into a more resilient, empathetic individual. As I step into the corporate arena, I carry gratitude for this enriching journey.
Shubham Bansal
(Vice-President 2023-24)
My experience at the Commerce Association has been enriching and transformative. Through the Association's diverse range of events, workshops and networking opportunities, I've had the chance to expand my knowledge, hone my skills, connect with industry professionals and collaborate with my peers, all of which has played an invaluable role in shaping my personality.
Naman Gupta
(General Secretary 2023-24)
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